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Information & Communications Technology

Despite the great progress in deepening regional connectivity through information and communication technologies, Asia and the Pacific is still the most digitally divided region in the world, with less than eight per cent of the population connected to affordable and reliable high-speed Internet. As a result, millions of people are shut out from transformative digital opportunities in education, health and financial services. Women and girls, in particular, have lower levels of access to broadband Internet and other knowledge-enhancing technologies. The Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (APIS) initiative aims to increase the availability and affordability of broadband Internet for all people across Asia and the Pacific. The ESCAP Youtube channel can be viewed here.


An Asia-Pacific intergovernmental platform recognized by ESCAP member States as one of the useful regional platforms for the promotion of digital cooperation (ESCAP Resolution 78/1, May 2022). APIS platform objectives are to bridge the digital divide and accelerate digital transformation by promoting digital connectivity, digital technology and applications, and the use and management of digital data. APIS Action plan consists of three pillars with scoped 25 actions. Three APIS Working Groups are focused on Connectivity for All, Digital Technologies and Applications and Digital Data. This APIS action plan 2022-2026 is supporting multi-stakeholder events at a high level, like Ministerial Conferences (ref Seoul, 10 November 2022), ESCAP Committee for ICT, Science Technology and Innovation (2020, 2022), United Nations Special Programme for Central Asia (2020-2023) and its Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development


The APIS technical cooperation projects created online connectivity tools, an e-resilience monitoring dashboard, focused on rural-urban connectivity, clean air for sustainable ASEAN  and digital payment projects.  ESCAP website publishes analytical reports and working paper series on Asia and the Pacific digital transformation. Please refer to the brochure on APIS here 



Capacity Development Webinar on “Developing Institutional Capacities in Digital Transformation for a More Inclusive and Equitable Recovery”

14-15 December 2020
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm EST

In addition to unleashing unfathomable opportunities for sustainable development, the digital age has also highlighted the vitality of digital solutions allowing societies to function and businesses to continue in the times of COIVD-19 pandemic. Online services and remote working arrangements were among the few of the measures addressing the isolation, keeping people informed and engaged during the COVID-19 response and recovery.

Understanding E-Resilience for Pandemic Recovery in Asia and the Pacific

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation and underscored its importance for mitigating the economic slowdown, sustaining wellbeing, and speeding up recovery. Governments, smart policymaking, as well as regional cooperation play an essential role in helping to both enable digital transformation to occur and in facilitating access to technology.

In Southeast Asia, COVID-19 Speeds Transition to Digital Technologies

As the novel coronavirus has undertaken its deadly migration across the globe, most attention has understandably focused on its immediate public health consequences, as well as the downstream economic consequences of the lockdown measures needed to contain it.

A less remarked development, however, has been the changes to everyday life that have resulted from the contagion. In particular, a new report reveals the extent to which COVID-19 has driven a dramatic uptake of digital technologies across Southeast Asia, accelerating a profound shift that was already underway.

Indonesia Investment Promotion on Digital Economy

In conjunction with 70th Anniversary of the establishment of Indonesia-Thailand Diplomatic Relations in 2020, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok will organize a webinar on “Indonesia Investment Promotion on Digital Economy” on November 3rd 2020. This event aims to introduce the development of Indonesian digital economy which offers plenty of opportunities to strengthen investment cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand during the Covid-19 recovery process, which also covers the enhancement of business relations between Indonesia and Thailand’s startup companies.

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