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Universal Service Fund Modernization in a Post-COVID19 World (Capacity Building Workshop)

Digital connectivity is an essential resource for economic, social, and cultural development, but many communities in Central, South, and East Asia continue to contend with limited or unaffordable broadband internet access, particularly in rural and isolated locations.  Many nations in these regions have adopted universal service funds (USF) to enhance digital connectivity for disadvantaged communities. 

Many USF programs are adapting to address the needs created by an economy increasingly driven by internet-enabled mobile devices and applications.  This includes updating transparency in management revenue and spending models, seeking new forms of partnership with the private sectors, and deploying USF in innovative ways to provide maximum benefit of connectivity for communities and in addressing the gaps in finances.

The objective of this capacity building workshop is to enhance knowledge of Universal Service Fund programs and to facilitate questions and follow-on consultations with States seeking to improve USF programming. 

Members and associated members of Asia Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) initiative and partnering organizations  are invited to join the workshop.

For further questions, please contact: Working Group 1 of AP-IS with the support of AP-IS Secretariat (IDS/ESCAP), email:

For more information, please visit here.