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Olympics, Innovation, 2050, world

World in 2050, The Olympics of Innovation

The Olympics of Innovation is a challenge for innovations, research projects, startups, individual solutionists and organizations who are solving key problems in seven categories that impact our world: Future of Humanity, Society, Health & wellbeing, Energy, Travel, Off-world civilizations and, Artistic visions of the future. There is no cost to apply for the challenge.

The launch of the call for applications was announced in Davos in partnership with the ETH Zürich, with a stellar Jury of international leaders, during the WEF Annual Meeting 2020. The winners will be announced at Salzburg Global in August, 2020. The top solution from each category will be championed in all major global forums including the United Nations General Assembly, the G7, G20, and APEC Summits, IMF & World Bank annual meetings as well as distributed through global publications and media partners.

The Diplomatic Courier and its CEO, Ana Rold are the executive sponsor of the challenge through the Think Tank arm, World in 2050, led by Shalini Trefzer. We are enormously passionate about giving a voice and platform to huge-potential innovations from regions that don’t normally receive the spotlight.

By submitting your application into the challenge, you co-create the future with us. You benefit in important ways through the reach of our global affairs media platform and networks that we continue to build to support the challenge,

  1. All applications get quality exposure to a group of innovation and (SDG) impact-minded corporate innovation and investment leaders as well as VCs.
  2. The winners get the unique opportunity to be championed in ecosystems focused on policy makers and industry leaders (see above).
  3. When possible, we offer opportunities to showcase your innovations and thought leadership in our summits, forums, and publications.


Shalini Trefzer, Executive Director. Email: Tel: +41 78 941 3269

Ana C. Rold, CEO & Founder. Email: Tel: +1 978 317 3844

For more information, please visit: