Connectivity for All (in transport and through AI)
Organized by the Government of Mongolia, International Think Tank for LLDCs and ESCAP
Organized by the Government of Mongolia, International Think Tank for LLDCs and ESCAP
The sixth Virtual Peering Series—Central Asia will take place on 24 May at 09.00-10.30 UTC (14.00-15.30) in Western Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan (15.00-16.30 in Eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan). This event will be organized by the Internet Society, RIPE NCC, and Euro-IX.
WG 3 on Digital Data of APIS action plan 2022-2026 focuses on strengthening digital data creation, transition to open format, storing, maintaining, use, and integration with other data sources, such as satellite-geospatial data, real-time internet of things and statistical data.
APIS WG2 on Digital Technologies and Applications aims to facilitate implementation of APIS Action Plan 2022-2026 by bridging the digital divide and accelerating digital transformation through multistakeholder cooperation.
Working Group 1 on Connectivity for All aims to facilitate the implementation of the APIS action plan 2022-2026 by connecting people, organizations, and things anywhere and all the time.