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Video on E-Resilience for Sustainable Development

As part of the Sub-Regional Workshops on Internet Traffic Management and E-resilience for the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway, Mr. Puji Pujiono, Regional Adviser on Disaster Risk Reduction at UNESCAP, talks about e-resilience and sustainable development.

Resilience is defined as the capacity of countries to withstand, adapt to, and recover from natural disasters and major economic crises - so that their  people can continue to lead the kind of life they value. E-resilience refers to the ability of ICT systems to withstand, recover from and change in the face of an external disturbance such as a natural disaster. Addressed holistically, e-resilience has the potential to reduce disaster risks and improve disaster management and preparedness.

Presentation on E-Resilience for Sustainable DevelopmentThe aforementioned is highly relevant, considering that Asia and the Pacific is the most disaster prone region in the world and ICT plays a critical role in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Particularly SDG 9 is strongly linked to the topic of e-resilience, as it entails building resilient infrastructure. In addition, target 9.c seeks to considerably increase access to ICT and provide universal access to the Internet in LDCs by 2020.

The sub-regional workshops on Internet Traffic Management and E-resilience for the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway are held in Thimphu, Bhutan on 7-8 December 2016. More information can be found here.