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Guidelines for Disaster Response Partnering between Aid Providers and Mobile Network Operators

This Best Practice utilizes ICT for society's resilience and is associated with the keywords: Enhancing CoordinationEnhancing Communication and Coordination

The guidelines “Building Effective Partnerships In Complex Environments” published by GSMA Disaster Response and telecom operator Souktel is a resource to help mobile network operators join forces with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) rapidly and effectively in times of disasters.

As it is key to save lives and reach vulnerable communities when a disaster strikes, cooperation between organization is critical. The guide offers a checklist and best practices gathered from consultations with mobile operators and NGOs.

This is particularly relevant given that a shift towards the digitization of aid has led to mobile technology becoming a central component of assistance. The ubiquity and scale of mobile networks means they have become attractive delivery channels for many forms of humanitarian assistance in times of disaster.

Access the guidelines