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Third session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) Steering Committee and WSIS Regional Review

The third session of the AP-IS Steering Committee is planned to review the current implementation of the Master Plan 2019-2022 by member countries, ESCAP and partner organizations and discuss emerging trends and technologies which affect the implementation. The meeting will also serve as a platform to share the findings of latest research and analysis, initiate regional policy dialogues, develop regional cooperation initiatives and forge partnerships.

The third session of the AP-IS Steering Committee meeting aims to achieve the below objectives:

  1. Enhance awareness and knowledge of government officials and partners on latest research, emerging trends and technologies for evidence-based policy-making at national, subregional and regional levels;
  2. Deepen regional cooperation and policy dialogue in the development and implementation of the AP-IS subregional implementation plans;
  3. Facilitate information sharing and networking among government officials, academia, private sector and other stakeholders and
  4. Expand partnerships among government, academia, private sector and civil society organizations for the development of joint initiatives for AP-IS implementation.

The third session of the AP-IS Steering Committee will be held in conjunction with four key side-events, to be led by ESCAP’s Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, in collaboration with ITU and the Internet Society, as detailed below:

  1. AP-IS Steering Committee, Third Session (26-27 August 2019): Government officials from Ministry of Communications as well as other relevant stakeholders will be invited to attend;
  2. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Committee, Sixth Session (28 August 2019): Participants are invited to attend the opening session of the Committee;
  3. WSIS Regional Review (28 August 2019): Participants to attend a half-day session on WSIS regional review, led by ITU;
  4. Asia-Pacific Regional Community Networks Summit (29 August 2019): Participants to attend full-day event, led by the Internet Society; and
  5. AP-IS Exhibition on ICT for Sustainable Development throughout the week.

The third session of the AP-IS Steering Committee will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, from 26 to 29 of August 2019.

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